
Jingles Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 15 hours ago on Mike du Jour

    Submit, Vermin! or: “when you come to a fork in the road, take it!”

  2. 2 days ago on Doonesbury

    i have a step daughter. my wife thought i was good for that. glad she did. we now have great grandbabies.

  3. 2 days ago on Luann

    i met miss perfect in a Pizza Inn 45 years ago. make of it what you wish.

  4. 3 days ago on Mike du Jour

    another perspective is the 10 commandments, ie: direct translation is “No Murder” rather than “Thou shalt not kill”, or “Death to a poisoner” rather than a witch. big difference in morality and intent.

  5. 5 days ago on Doonesbury

    my wife has a practitioner that scuttlebutt says she gets fired from about one patient per month. home healthcare—where you work when even a nursing home won’t hire you. invest your money and retire wisely—it’s ugly being old.

  6. 5 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    “Off-watch personnel will attend the Flight Deck USO show in dress uniform, and display their enjoying it!!” orders on USS JFK during Reagan’s visit for the re-dedication of the statue of liberty. “You will have Fun, or else!”

  7. 5 days ago on Non Sequitur

    go to the left coast and look around. this is old news.

  8. 5 days ago on Luann

    someone predicted years ago she was destined to be a lonely resentful withered spinster. at least one character thread here we can rely on.

  9. 5 days ago on Mike du Jour

    ouch. the horowitz boys.

  10. 6 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    the lows at night in toronto are in the sixties—irc they’re quite a bit north of there, where summer highs are in the sixties.