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  1. about 5 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    Yes, Yes- lights on, as predicted 26/9, Ro-Zan caught with hand in the “Cookie jar” as planned . Bit disappointed only Tracy turned up. Are the other players, that is Mysta, Diet, Moon Governor & security personnel lurking near by?

  2. 1 day ago on Dick Tracy

    Sweatbox Express – hope so. The police need to find out who are Ro-Zan’s human “Friends” who are traitors for conspiring with an Alain. Ro-Zan appears to be fit / muscular, so hopefully Mysta /Moon Governor has some moon security equipment to keep him subdued / under control. Perhaps Mysta can interrogate Ro-Zan with her antennae – do a sought of “mind meld” which he cannot resist.

  3. 1 day ago on Dick Tracy

    Yes, those are my thoughts exactly – Mysta, Diet, the Moon Governor and the security team will catch Ro-Zan in the act. A “Gotcha” moment to look forward too.

  4. 1 day ago on Dick Tracy

    Today’s instalment is the “Gotcha moment”. Prepare to see soon, lights on and Mysta, Diet, The Moon Governor and security personnel (Both Earth and Moon police) confront Ro-Zan with his hands in the “cookie jar”. Ro-Zan breaking into the files was just too easy.

  5. 2 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Yes, very smart comment.

  6. 3 days ago on Dick Tracy

    That is why you need two (2) or more roving human guards who patrol in a random pattern and time which is changed daily. You need unpredictability to at least have some chance of maintaining security. Security cameras only are a “single point of failure”.

  7. 3 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Good for you!

  8. 3 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Excellent comment.

  9. 3 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Respectfully, I suggest there is no “hacker proof” data on a computer, server/s and other computer storage devices. The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) (previously the KGB) has been using typewriters since 2013 to record on paper secret intelligence which is filed. If you want to steal the secret data you are going to have to break into the holding facility (which is no doubt protected by alarms and armed guards) , take the hardcopy data or copy it (time consuming) then escape – a whole lot harder than simply hacking some computer file. No doubt, other intelligence services are using this method also, or should be.

  10. 3 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Respectfully, I suggest the cameras will not be misfunctioning. The cameras will be repeating an image not showing Ro-Zan. The hacking of security cameras is seen in countless movies. Record a section of clear images then repeat the image over and over.