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Murray's Hill Free

The truth is found in the middle between two extremes.

Recent Comments

  1. about 5 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    2 more conspiracy theories…Trump will become a dictator if he gets elected in 2016. Trump will start a world war if he’s president in 2017. Sounds familiar.

  2. about 14 hours ago on Bill Bramhall

    News flash: Its not Biden’s age that’s the problem.

  3. about 19 hours ago on Jeff Danziger

    You’ve got to much irrational anger to see things straight. Have that TDS checked on and go in peace.

  4. 1 day ago on Jeff Danziger

    The cartoon is nothing but T’s faces with different made up statements connected to each one. It’s amateurish in its lack of creativity and what a shame we’ve gone from the great cartoonists like Block and Oliphant to this biased dribble. On the first T face, the idea of him saying "round up all the immigrants " is a only a bit of an exaggeration from (paraphrased) ;“rounding up the illegals that the Biden admin allowed to pour into the country, and send them back…” when in reality they are 2 completely different subjects. Perhaps your dislike towards Trump allows you see an irony and humor in the cartoon but I just see facts manipulated for political reasons. Which is something obviously you and I will never see eye to eye on. And that’s no exaggeration. Yukka

  5. 1 day ago on Jeff Danziger

    The problem with you born-again social-warrior trolls is not being able to resist preaching your “gospel” while tossing out nasty insults simultaneously. The worse cases are the last -minute jumpinners that like to stir trouble without adding anything positive to the convo. That definitely refers to you, troll.

  6. 1 day ago on Jeff Danziger

    Not sure if it was a grammar or more likely a logic and thought-structuring error. But the real irony that you apparently missed was your trying to inflate yourself as some genius yet you couldn’t even write a simple sentence. It was hilarious but don’t worry about it though. You guys are flubbing much worse than that all the time here. Btw, every LWer on here will recieve a zillion “likes” just by dishing juvenile insults. The more infantile; the more “likes” apparently. You’ll catch on if that’s where you interest lies.

  7. 2 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    As the saying goes; “When yonder trolls begin trudging in and general comments hath becometh at a repetitive or non-relevant stage, that’s when the wise man doth tally and takes hiseth leave.” Cheers.

  8. 2 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    You’re not even on topic. What do your ramblings have to do with Trump ahead in the current season. Bugger off troll.

  9. 2 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    Good points. However, take even the first one saying “round up all the immigrants”. If the artist simply added “undocumented” to clarify the intent it would make the statement more honest but less sinister sounding. That’s called manipulation for the purpose of deception. Many of your kindred idealists interpret it to mean all immigrants will be deported (believe me it’s true) and get frightened (easily) by the notion. Political cartoons are able to exaggerate due to there farcical nature but they aren’t intended to deceive. Unless they are like the cartoons in the old Soviet Pravda. Fun fact; the name Pravda means “truth” in Russian.

  10. 2 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    (“Those that just read the biased Time article will…”So your messiah’s own words mean nothing. )) You did the same thing that the article does. Takes words out of context to win a minion point. Here is the rest of what I had written; (…To know the real truth of what he said you would have to read the full transcript of the interview. )) See how that changes everything. Good try.