But when the children grow up, many parents expect it to be the other way around!
True, but Barry is his mother’s pet, which can also make him a spoiled brat sometimes.
I love that Chuck Jones animated cartoon. Never saw the live-action film, and I really don’t want to see it.
If he doesn’t want anything for himself, then he should ask Santa for world peace, the end of poverty, etc.
Luann’s “one hour of labor” consists of loading the dishwasher?? SHEESH!!
“And I’m madly in love with him! There—are you satisfied, now?”
Gotta be an improvement over Loretta’s cooking.
“Close your eyes, click your heels together three times, and repeat, ’There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home…’ ".
Mike’s prescription must be from Walmart’s; they NEVER deliver!
Rhetta, if he swallowed a grapefruit, you couldn’t see it in his cheek, could you??
But when the children grow up, many parents expect it to be the other way around!