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BJDucer Free

Happily retired, financially secure, physically and mentally healthy. Life is good :0)

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  1. about 2 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    And it’s probably when the kid’s diner is at its busiest and could use the help!

  2. about 23 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Forced to play outside on a nice day with no responsibilities. Sheesh, I wish life was so unfair to me as it is to Calvin!

  3. 2 days ago on Frazz

    I used to believe the opposite of love was hate. I found out I was wrong…I now believe the opposite of love is apathy. If you’re truly apathetic, you don’t care about anything. It’s not terribly difficult living with true apathy, but it does make it terribly difficult for others to live with you.

  4. 2 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    Does Edgar know how to bark? Serious question. When I was a kid we got a dog from the SPCA. As she grew, she looked somewhat akin to the business side of a mop. However, she never barked. We’d ring the door bell and knock on the door and she’d happily wag her tail and run to the door, but didn’t bark. My folks finally took her to my aunt’s house who had a dog that would bark like mad when someone was at the door. By the end of the week, our little mutt caught on to the idea of barking when someone was at the door.

  5. 3 days ago on Frazz

    Ok, I admit I was fooled into thinking today’s strip was a repeat of yesterday’s story because I looked at the pictures first. Having found the error of my ways after actually reading the words, I now blame Mr. Mallet for my mistake (it’s a self denial of my faults thing) because he obviously did not have enough time to actually draw another strip and just changed the words to accommodate the rush he was in!

  6. 3 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    You’re just starting out Michael. You’ll have some great times, but someone also needs to whisper into your ear that there will be a whole lot more “unfairness” in your future, too.

  7. 3 days ago on Brewster Rockit

    Well, it’s obvious why he didn’t smell anything, he didn’t scratch the screen hard enough! Brewster needs to just put more elbow grease in his efforts to the screen with a sharp knife …something’s bound to happen!

  8. 3 days ago on Frazz

    Loosely translated, maybe “Hoosiers” could have come from “Who’s there?” back in the days when folks were moving west and people wanted to know who was living in Indiana. Actually, I lived in Lafayette for about a year….but never considered myself a Hoosier. I think it was because I wasn’t much of basketball fan and half the population refused to talk to me! LOL

  9. 4 days ago on Frazz

    I always thought trying to come up with a name for those who live in Michigan was awkward. Then I wondered if residents of other states had that problem….and found a few states that have even more awkward resident names. What do you call someone from Massachusetts…A Massachusian? What of someone who lives in Connecticut? Calling someone a Connecticutian is beyond awkward! Are people from Maine called Mainers, or Mainiacs? What of those from Indiana? you really can’t call them Indians…and Indianers just sounds wrong.

  10. 4 days ago on Frazz

    I believe Frazz’s world takes place in Michigan. As a former Michigander (Michiganian? Michiganite?) I can certainly attest to the longevity of some construction projects that take place there as Miss Plainwell avers. In particular, the road construction/repair projects take an ungodly amount of time to complete. I wonder if today’s strip is a sneaky way of Mr. Mallet protesting a certain construction project that has been ongoing for a length of time near him?