Alex gets, and Mike does not, that the architecture of the Internet is founded upon communal ownership of all information. To defeat Soviet Communism, the inventors of ARPANET had to adopt fully-automatic luxury space communism. (Minus space.) So Mike’s scolding is preaching for a dead god.
To repeat a comment that I accidentally posted twice yesterday:
The Internet descends from ARPANET, which was designed for the Defense Department to maintain command and control even in the midst of a nuclear war. This mad ambition was achieved by renouncing private property rights in information.
Any valuable store of owned data would have been physically targeted by a Soviet nuke; therefore all data is shared. The Internet’s architecture is of communal ownership of information.
The Net interprets censorship and paywalls as damage, and routes around it. So to defeat Communism, the Internet had to adopt it!
Mike fails to understand that the architecture of the Internet subverts property rights in information. The Web interprets censorship and paywalls as damage, and routes around them.
ARPANET was designed to maintain command and control in the midst of a nuclear conflict with the Soviets; but to defeat Communism, it had to adopt it!
Mike fails to understand that the architecture of the Internet subverts property rights in information. The Web interprets censorship and paywalls as damage, and routes around them.
ARPANET was designed to maintain command and control in the midst of a nuclear conflict with the Soviets; but to defeat Communism, it had to adopt it!
A circle has no beginning.