No bio available
Guess I better not eat any pumpkin seeds.
Good one Dave!
Dave, I do not understand this toon. Is it supposed to have a deeper meaning than the visual?
A smile puts people at ease. Our lil’ cubbie Louis is so wise.
Get rid of the god awful “ED” commercials, they are disgusting!!! And why are there no commercials for birth control contraceptives and condoms??
This is so true for us pluggers.
Oops, the word “like” got lost, my post should read: Looks like me during……
Looks me during those cold days up on the California North Coast.
Being a leftie, I notice that many toon characters are left handed. I wonder why that is.
I do not recall supreme court justice wives behaving like these idiotic and delusional spouses—never heard a peep from them before.
Guess I better not eat any pumpkin seeds.