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  1. 4 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    The dean of my med school told us that we’d all end up doing some good and make enough money while doing so.

    That said, those who went into medicine primarily to make money were the worst clinicians I’ve worked with. I suspect this is true of most professions.

  2. 16 days ago on Jen Sorensen

    trump and his Gang Of Pedophiles should be in jail, not the White House.

  3. 16 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Wouldn’t striking a children’s hospital be exactly what trump wanted when he encouraged Russia “to do whatever the hell they want”?

  4. 24 days ago on Jen Sorensen

    Biden should suspend habeas corpus and send the Republican SC justices to Gitmo in his official capacity to protect the Constitution. Perfectly legal, according to SCOTUS.

  5. 24 days ago on Lisa Benson

    Looks like paedophile trump was on Epstein’s Lolita Island.

    Apparently that’s not disqualifying for the MAGAts.

  6. 25 days ago on Non Sequitur

    In 1994, Ukraine agreed to transfer nuclear weapons to Russia and became a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, in exchange for assurances from Russia, the United States and United Kingdom to respect the Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing borders.

  7. 25 days ago on Rob Rogers

    This is one of their “alternative facts”.

    One of trump’s" spiritual advisors" is an admitted pedophile, but MAGAts accuse Democrats of paedophilia. It’s projection.

  8. 29 days ago on Rob Rogers

    Perhaps I can help.

    “Some men j just want to watch the world burn.”

    Those of us actually involved in treating the victims of gun violence will passionately argue for prevention strategies. The gun rights absolutist offer nothing but empty “thoughts and prayers”.

  9. 29 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Hospitals embraced the Quality Improvement model to reduced undesirable outcomes. Perhaps we should apply it to our political process. Complaining about it doesn’t appear to have worked.

  10. 29 days ago on Pedro X. Molina

    In 1984, the Party created Newspeak, a controlled language of simplified grammar and limited vocabulary designed to limit a person’s ability for critical thinking, thus limiting one’s ability to articulate and communicate abstract concepts.

    Orwell pretty much nailed it.