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Wonder-Wart-Hog Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 15 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    check out TDK

  2. about 16 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    a big help would be to reopen domiciles and move the mentally ill off of the streets

  3. about 18 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Oh one more thing the source of a lot of the BS about tax dollars is Social Security. Everyone pays into it. The moneys are distributed in monthly checks. Compared with what a state like New York pays into SS, and what comes back in benefits is not equal, especially if the person moves out of state.

  4. about 18 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    What a crock of flop statement. Wyoming get money’s not from poor put upon Blue states but mineral royalty payments for minerals taken from federal land in Wyoming. Unlike the east where you own the land to the earth’s core. In the Western High plains there are surface rights and mineral rights. A the owner of a 10,000 acre ranch owns the surface but if there is coal under that surface that person does not own it, it can be leased from the Federal government. The company owning those right has to pay the Rancher for access but the rancher does not get any income from the coal lease it self. A long standing law is the States are given a percentage of the money paid to the government for the lease, and the state charges a mineral royalty tax on the extracted minerals .

  5. about 18 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    In Wyoming with our high winds, 50+mph tent encampments don’t work very well. I was a riot to watch Somali women with their islamic style clothing try to walk in our high winds, they complained and the officials told them to move where the weather suited their cloths.

  6. about 19 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Transgender people have an inflated view of their importance and paranoid view of the world. Get this nobody cares anymore what you are. We do if you are scrotum pole competing in women’s sports otherwise go get a life you have at least 100 different sexes to choose from.

  7. about 19 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Yes I was in High School in California, while my dad was on the Midway off the coast of Vietnam. We knew about the free Jr College that was available. It was considered just 2 more years of High School. The biggest value at the time for many was a college deferment to keep you from being drafted off to the Vietnam War.

  8. about 19 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Something to point out here. Look at what has happened in the states. If you look at a map of Washington state, Oregon, Colorado, and especially California you can see what the. Founding fathers had in mind with the Electoral College. Geographically most of these states are Republican but since but the population centers along the coast are Democratic most of these states do not have equal representation. In a national election California and New England would have a lock on the presidential vote. States like Wyoming would have no voice on a federal level. Thankfully it would be all but impossible to change this because it would take a constitutional amendment to do it, and each state has to vote on it. One state one vote. There are at least 30 states that would say not only NO but HELL NO!

  9. about 19 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Not my problem, it is up to the people in these Democrat ghettos to fix it.

  10. about 19 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Why don’t you watch News sources that are on the ground in Gaza. You see a different thing when these people are out of the grip of Hamas.