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  1. 1 day ago on Lisa Benson

    The orange convicted felon was found guilty because the hush money benefited Trump’s campaign and exceeded donation limits. There wa not “change in the laws”.

  2. 1 day ago on Michael Ramirez

    On June 23 rd 2024, President was bike riding – again – and the press were there to both video and photo the regular event. These bike rides, which he under takes just avout every weekend, take over an hour – during that time, President Biden remains up right, riding a bike without trainer wheels, without falling, taking corners quite well – what 1 second of a clip did you look at?

  3. 1 day ago on Non Sequitur

    My photo op memory of the current floriduh governor is him walking around in the aftermath of hurricane Ian wearing a pair of pristine white boots despite the water, sludge and other stain-making garbage lying on the ground. I also remember seeing a video where he proclaimed that god made him – I guess he forgot that god also made the orange convicted felon because the orange convicted felon ran the same video but with different graphics.

  4. 1 day ago on Garfield

    My friend’s dog always comes running at the sound of the can opener – I think it is so funny when he gives them a sniff of the can contents, especially when it is baked beans. the dogs do NOT like that smell!!

  5. 1 day ago on Jeff Danziger

    Once again, the orange convicted felon as demonstrated the three (3) tiers of justice in this county – one for the orange convicted felon and one for everyone else, one for anyone who is not the same skin color of the orange conviced felon (no I don’t mean anyone who is not orange!).

  6. 3 days ago on Jeff Stahler

    The founding fathers were very clear – separation of church and state – and it is in the Constitution. The First amendment is very clear. But then the orange convicted felon has convinced his cult followers to drink the kool-aid.

  7. 3 days ago on Lisa Benson

    Fact check – a bipartisan border bill was created but the orange convicted felon decided it would solve the border problem and ordered the GOPeeeee cult members to refuse to support it.

  8. 3 days ago on Lisa Benson

    As usual – a 1 second clip that shows President Biden has lost it. If you look at the entire clip – he was watching a parachutists, just not the one the other G7 members were looking at. You do know he rides his bike every week end for a 20 to 30 mile distance – this is captured on his weekly rides because the press constantly ask him questions while his is out riding. I have never seen the orange convicted felon walk further than 20 feet without a problem. He uses golf carts or make certain he does not have to walk very far from his SUV to a chair.

  9. 3 days ago on Steve Kelley

    You do know that President Biden – “Sleepy” – takes a 20 to 30 mile bike ride most weekends along with his secret service detail. On June 23 rd 2024, he was riding – again – and the press were there to ask him about the debates and his son’s trial. As I understand it, the orange convicted felon can barely walk from his SUV to the door and uses a golf cart for transportation around the property in the “free” state of Florida. I think it is so weird that no one reports on these bike rides but the moment he stands still while contemplating the lives lost during WWll, he is of questionable health.

  10. 3 days ago on John Deering

    Unbelievable how all the GOPeeeeee have followed the cult line. The convicted felon must really have some magic the koolaid provides.