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Recent Comments

  1. about 16 hours ago on Rob Rogers

    What concerns me is not that the orange convicted felon has cult followers who believe him, but that non-cult followers now have amnesia and have forgotten about all the things he did while president. These non-cultists seem to think he will fix the economy, fix the immigration problem, prevent China from invading Taiwan…… he broke the economy first time round, he broke the immigration system first time round and then again while not even in office or elected to any position. He thinks the Chinese honey bear is a great dictator because he can get rid of people whenever he wants, same thinking for the N Korean fat boy… what part of illusion am I missing?

  2. 3 days ago on Clay Jones

    Why is it if a child has an imaginary friend, it is not okay but if you have a religious imaginary friend it is ok?

  3. 3 days ago on Doonesbury

    @doonsbury has outdone himself – again! The sad thing about this is the MAGAits kool-aide drinkers do not see this. In the last panel is the judge is so far gone – she has lost her mind. Her handling of the illegal and treasonous possession of classified documents is laughable but oh-so-sad. To make the US legal system a sham is a sorry state of affairs. Anyone – anyone – who has taken classified documents has been locked away and fully prosecuted – why not the orange convicted felon? Case law has forever held up treason when it comes to classified documents – why is she chopping it down? Why is she allowing non-profit groups and former government officials who have nothing to do with the criminal case to file arguments? Why did she not push on the “show government” accusation? Basically – what is wrong with this person? She has lost her mind. And she is clearly slow-walking this case. No one believes Project 2025 will happen but the GOPeeee and the orange convicted felon are already implementing it.

  4. 4 days ago on Steve Breen

    Yet so many people think that he is “joking” or “won’t do it”. He did it before and is still doing it – what part of proof do some people not understand? He has given anyone the playbook on how to strip the USA of checks and balances as well as how to beat the system. I read that some people are “double deniers- because they don’t want either the orange convicted felon or President Biden. I would look to President Biden’s record before “voting for the pocket book” because there won’t be much of an economy or country after the first week of the orange convicted felon’s dictatorial rule.

  5. 4 days ago on Steve Breen

    I don’t think many people realize how many people actually used rental housing to subsidize their income. And because so many people abused the system during COVID by not paying rent, many people ended up in financial difficulty because of “mean” landlords. No they weren’t “mean”, they simply wanted their money to pay for the housing people lived in and expected immediate attention when something went wrong – and would not pay.

  6. 4 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    And then there is autocorrect – and if you speak a number of languages, autocorrect is even funnier!

  7. 5 days ago on Crabgrass

    That I did not know! And – oh dear – that was some rabbit hole you sent me on!! :)

  8. 5 days ago on Red and Rover

    Based on yesterday’s strip, the milky bone is probably pretty soggy by now!

  9. 5 days ago on Learn to Speak Cat

    Oh, this is sooooooo not good! but it is funny!

  10. 5 days ago on Clay Jones

    @clayjones like the SCOTUS depictions! So good!