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  1. 11 months ago on Bloom County

    I remember giving a press conference about 30 years ago. Just a business press briefing for a new venture, no politics involved or anything. We handed out a press release and fact sheet to make things easy for them. There were at least 30 reporters there, and we counted about 50 newspapers who published an article about it. Only ONE article did not have significant mistakes in the story – and the one that didn’t simply printed our press release verbatim. Reporters are absolute idiots, and we are sadly dependent on them for information.

  2. 11 months ago on Bloom County

    I was in high school when this strip came out, and I saw the Stones on the Tattoo You tour – and they were already considered to be dinosaurs then. Hard to believe they are STILL at it.

  3. 11 months ago on Bloom County

    My, how times have changed…

  4. 11 months ago on Bloom County

    A pity this is no longer the case. Now the half the media is a cheerleader and enabler of the government, and the other half vilify it, not because of their stands on specific issues but whether the ruling party has an® or (D) behind it. Healthy skepticism is gone.