There was some scandal decades ago about someone who claimed to have found the “missing link” between apes and humans on the evolutionary tree, and it turned out that he had forged the fossilized skull.
You’re right in that the book has nothing to do with chili. But immature frat-boy types familiar with the book’s title like to joke that it’s what you’ll be doing if you eat too much chili before an outing with your friends at the lanes.
To those who don’t get the joke, the comic is a reference to the book “Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community” by Robert D. Putnam.
I miss the days when computers were so “innocent.” There was not yet the Internet, malware, social media disinformation, angry comments sections, or constant nagging for system updates.
According to Wikipedia, an amateur archeologist named Charles Dawson originated the hoax.