You would see the same extremes in “outfitting”, if you could see how the “great, and fearless, AND extremely thirsty, white hunters” of today, equip themselves.
I am in the same boat, and am now treating some slow to heal sores on the front of my lower legs, that the doctor has said comes from diabetes damaging the small blood vessels that would normally promote quick healing.
It seems like former Harvard Law School Professor, Alan Dershowitz, and a few other attorneys would disagree with a keyboard ‘expert’ on NOTHING! Perhaps YOU are a ‘journalist’, who actually believes that YOUR bottom of the barrel ‘education’ has made YOU one of those “EXPERTS ON EVERYTHING”, when, reality, and their on the air presence/‘reporting’, show them to be “KNOWLEDGABLE ABOUT NOTHING”.Hmmm, Bucky?
“the lack of legitimate verifiable evidence means no crime has occurred. "You mean like the ‘evidence’ that the show trials in New York were based upon?
There should have been a call for a show of hands, to see how many of the three would NOT commit themselves to kicking the s***K out.