
ca_jeffo Premium

Aerospace scientist, soccer player, tromboner. Find me on YouTube: @NeedsMoreBone

Recent Comments

  1. about 5 hours ago on Frog Applause

    Your thermometers must be bigger than mine, if that is zthe question…

  2. about 5 hours ago on FurBabies

    Activated charcoal powder is a well-known remedy for intestinal distress

  3. about 17 hours ago on Frog Applause

    This is hilarious

  4. about 18 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    Cheek to cheek while they play “’Round Midnight” sounds great!

  5. about 18 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    At least it’s your phone that does that to your fingers… If you catch my drift…

  6. about 18 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    You’ve hit the nail on the nose, I believe

  7. about 18 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    I’d vote for her look in the last panel…

  8. about 18 hours ago on Arlo and Janis

    I expect they are ♪ exchanging glances ♪

    This is one we never did when I was playing lead trombone in a big band during graduate school, though we did a lot of the classics, like “In the Mood”

  9. about 24 hours ago on Pickles

    I remember my brother telling me a joke (apoligies to West Virginians):

    Q: How do you know the toothbrush was invented in West Virginia?

    A: If it had been invented anywhere else, it would have been called a ‘teethbrush’

  10. 1 day ago on Arlo and Janis

    I love the Moody Blues (and Alan Parsons Project, for that matter).

    I remember an article about them that included an anecdote about Graeme Edge and his fiance, Sue. She was having second thoughts because she didn’t want to be ‘Sue Edge’