Luke is standing in front of the middle of an old-fashioned goal post. The kind where the two uprights extended from the ground all the way up and a crossbar goes between them at the appropriate height. The new slingshot style goal posts started being used in the NFL in 1967. By 1971 they were used in 600 colleges. I doubt even high schools still use the old fashioned goal posts in 2024.
Underdog? What sort of time loop do Arlo and Janis live in? There hasn’t been an Underdog in the Macy’s parade in 40 years. Seriously, that balloon was discontinued after the 1984 parade. Macy’s gave the balloon an inflation test in 1991 to see whether it could hold helium and fly in the 65th anniversary parade, but it failed the test.
Couldn’t have been 4th down, as the caption asked, “can Milford get the kicker close enough for a field goal?” If it had been 4th down, it would wondered whether Milford could pick up the first down and keep the drive alive.
But you kept the grammatical error in panel 1. Given that Penny is talking in a very formal manner, she should have said “whether you would be interested,” not “if you would be interested.”
It’s bad enough to have this joke, which I (who am now in my 70s) heard when I was still a pre-teen (probably as a Polish joke), get used in 1 comic strip (THE BORN LOSER) this week. But now to have two comic strips reuse it on consecutive days… well that’s all I can stands, I can’t stands no more!
Worst monster? I don’t know about that. Not while the Giant Claw is out there.