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  1. 21 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    The murders of Palestinians, journalists and rape of civilians has been documented and proven for the past several decades. The fact you choose to ignore this is rather disturbing.

    The call for a “land grab” from the people whose land was stolen by the British etc and given to the Jewish refugees all without any input from the people who live there is not as shocking as you want to make it. Perhaps hatred of people who stole your land is understandable? But given the American blindness to how we got here I doubt you will ever see it.

    And yet I never excused any of the Hamas leadership – that’s a strawman you like to use. Can we also look at the leadership of Israel that have become wealthy beyond measure from the US monetary and military support? The same Israelis that demonize all Palestinians and for that matter muslim countries (until very recently when they were paid billions to shake hands).

    No conversation on any topic has to include all the other possible atrocities in the world – that’s just an example of moving the goal posts. As well as a pathetic attempt to excuse the atrocities of the Israelis.

    If you want to talk about horrors in the work shall we start local to the US? Let’s talk about the literal billions the US has stolen from the indigenous people in America who are literally living in unheated homes, dying of malnutrition, and more. The hundreds of the women who have “disappeared” without any investigations. Your way of looking at the world is horrid, your blind support for Israel is equally as horrid. There are too many folks in the US that 60 years ago would have agreed to let the Axis just take over the world for equally specious reasons.

  2. 25 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Funny how you forgot to mention the outright murder and rape of Palestinians and the vast land grab that has occurred for the last several decades. Or the imprisoning of them in Gaza, the lack of food and medical supplies etc.

    If you were subject to what the Palestinians have endured perhaps you might have a militant army eh?

    As for the leaders of Hamas skimming millions, take a look at our government recently? or any other government’s leaders? Ever wonder how they got so rich.

    Funny how you parrot the IDF’s line about using Palestinians as human shields and accept that as an excuse to slaughter civilians.

    You can also note I speak of the genocide being caused by the IDF. What Hamas did was horrific, however what the IDF is continuing to do is on a scale of horror that I find it interesting you see no problem with that. Your outrage is one sided and speaks highly of you capacity to treat Palestinians just the same as the IDF. Good for you.

  3. 28 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    And there we go with the misinterpreting since you have no rational argument to explain the slaughter of civilians. Not once did I exonerate Hamas for what they did. However the Israeli response is not correct. It allows for the slaughter of civilians under the excuse there was a Hamas fighter in the mix.

    So basically you are shilling for IDF and their atrocities no?

  4. about 1 month ago on Michael Ramirez

    So you are willing to accept mass civilian casualties on this snipe hunt? By extension then the attack on the two towers was righteous. The people who fund the people who build our war machine etc were in there. The same war machine that funds the drones killing literally hundreds of thousands throughout the middle east.

    Your ability to reason away the literal slaughter of civilians is horrifying.

  5. about 1 month ago on Michael Ramirez

    Then please feel free to provide facts vs opinions, since my facts are produced by several sources and even admitted to be true by the IDF.

  6. about 1 month ago on Michael Ramirez

    Those were new jobs being created, total jobs all sectors is about 165 million, totally dwarfing the government jobs. But feel free to clarify your point.

  7. about 1 month ago on Michael Ramirez

    Not a false analogy – it is literally what is happening there. Or do you not subscribe to facts?

  8. about 1 month ago on Michael Ramirez

    Strange, I find that depending on how you count, the total of all Federal, state and local government jobs hired is only about 14% of all the jobs hired. And Federal jobs are only 33% of those 14%. So that statement is not in the realm of truth.

  9. about 1 month ago on Michael Ramirez

    Explain to me then the mass graves at the hospitals they bombed. Take a look at the satellite images of completed neighborhoods obliterated, take a look at the food group that had permission to deliver supplies and were systematically hunted and killed including by snipers and tell me again about how careful the IDF is eh?

  10. about 1 month ago on Michael Ramirez

    Wow, and when exactly did they vote the men with the guns in? Been a while. And no, most Palestinians do not support Hamas. your logic would apply then to all the countries the US has been throwing missiles at for more than two decades eh? All the Americans support the killing of innocents, they all have veterans therefore all are fair game as targets?

    You really don’t understand the murder, land theft and genocide that Israel has committed. And to use other countries actions as reasons to kill them is horrid.

    What Israel has done is to guarantee the continued existence of Hamas and fed it a couple of generations of fighters. Stupid