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  1. about 19 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    That was done to keep the masses quiet, note that only the tax cuts for the richer folks and corporations were permanent.

  2. about 20 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Except it is separated out, that of course does not prevent the government from borrowing it via bonds which it does.

  3. 2 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    What pray tell does that have to do with teachers and curriculum? Yep Nothing.

  4. 2 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Social security is a self funded program and does not use tax dollars. Universal healthcare does not exist in the US unlike EVERY other “first world” country. Try again.

  5. 3 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Nope, I live in reality land and work with these people. All the shouting and clamoring is the fever dreams of people who really know nothing. The people complaining know nothing.

  6. 4 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    in what sense? the people designing curriculum, that is until the right wing and it’s white power movement stepped in, are professionals with decades of experience and study behind them. It was the parents and hard core conservatives that didn’t know what they were doing.

  7. 5 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Would be nice, would also be nice to have them recognize they really don’t know anything about curriculm etc. and let the teachers teach. Would also be nice if all parents read to their children from birth, but I know that’s unrealistic.

  8. 6 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    And to provide the whole quote: “Many, many teachers are really solid and good but the stuff being pushed can be considered indoctrination at times.”

    There is no “stuff being pushed”. It’s called education. Now if you were to say the current textbooks on history in the red states of Texas and Florida are being written to promote a white power agenda I would agree. But that’s not up to the teachers.

    Parents involvement in their children is a desired thing. Parents involvement today in the exclusion of anything that offends their little conservative hearts is not. Let’s face it, the average parent is poorly educated at best and really needs to have an education too.

  9. 7 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    What you are saying is rubbish – more of the trust me I know MAGAT crap we see all the time. I and many of my family have been in education for well over 50 years. While I cannot say that no individual teacher is doing stuff like that, I can say the vast majority would find your comment a flat out lie.

  10. 30 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    The murders of Palestinians, journalists and rape of civilians has been documented and proven for the past several decades. The fact you choose to ignore this is rather disturbing.

    The call for a “land grab” from the people whose land was stolen by the British etc and given to the Jewish refugees all without any input from the people who live there is not as shocking as you want to make it. Perhaps hatred of people who stole your land is understandable? But given the American blindness to how we got here I doubt you will ever see it.

    And yet I never excused any of the Hamas leadership – that’s a strawman you like to use. Can we also look at the leadership of Israel that have become wealthy beyond measure from the US monetary and military support? The same Israelis that demonize all Palestinians and for that matter muslim countries (until very recently when they were paid billions to shake hands).

    No conversation on any topic has to include all the other possible atrocities in the world – that’s just an example of moving the goal posts. As well as a pathetic attempt to excuse the atrocities of the Israelis.

    If you want to talk about horrors in the work shall we start local to the US? Let’s talk about the literal billions the US has stolen from the indigenous people in America who are literally living in unheated homes, dying of malnutrition, and more. The hundreds of the women who have “disappeared” without any investigations. Your way of looking at the world is horrid, your blind support for Israel is equally as horrid. There are too many folks in the US that 60 years ago would have agreed to let the Axis just take over the world for equally specious reasons.