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dcjeepguy Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 10 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I’d have gone with scared instead of mad.

  2. over 10 years ago on One Big Happy

    VCR? A little out of date – it should br DVD which is almost out-of-date too.

    VCR=video cassette recorder

  3. over 10 years ago on B.C.

    A T-Rex wouldn’t make its mouth/nose smaller it would have made it bigger. The joke here would be having its arms made longer.

  4. over 10 years ago on Bound and Gagged

    Shouldn’t it be Smoldering or Smoldering? Hell would never give you a pain free or even less painful choice.

  5. almost 11 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    Evie should invite Alix to visit her.

  6. almost 11 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    I’d love to see Evie spun off into her own comic!

  7. almost 11 years ago on Bound and Gagged

    Sounds more like heaven.

  8. almost 11 years ago on F Minus

    ;) Now teach them about climate change.

  9. almost 11 years ago on Big Nate

    What happened to Old Yeller???

  10. almost 11 years ago on Garfield

    That’s actually a good look and where would Jon’s family get a kilt? Better would have been shorts or overalls.