When bush dit it, you loved it cause he SPENT SPENT SPENT to enrich fat cats like military contractors, big wall street crooks and OIL companies. You don’t like it now , because spending might benefit real american citizens who if they get jobs might ACTUALLY PAY their taxes. Hypocrite!!
McCain reneged on HIS promise too! Why is that NOT a big deal or are you just ignorant of it!? He used his promise to participate in public funding as collateral for a loan and then “Changed his mind” (FLIP-FLOP). According to the Washington Post In a February 19 letter, Federal Election Commission (FEC) chairman David Mason took the position that McCain cannot legally opt out of public financing for the primary season without FEC approval and, in the same letter, asked the McCain campaign to expand upon its assertion that it had not “pledged the certification of Matching Payment funds as security for private financing,” citing provisions of the loan agreement, the associated security agreement, and a modification to those agreements. In the letter, Mason cited a prior FEC advisory opinion stating that a candidate is allowed to withdraw from the matching funds program so long as “the candidate … had not pledged the certification of Matching Payment Program funds ‘as security for private financing.’ ” If McCain is not allowed to withdraw from the public financing system and if he is found to have knowingly raised and spent money beyond the public financing limits, his actions “could put McCain at risk of stiff fines and up to five years in prison,”
Guess Dana thins that United Health Care’s 1.5 BILLION fdollar severance pay was Okay. Private insurance has made HUGE profits and screwed us for too long.
Summers is a damn fool, always has been. Drinks the FAUX News koolaid and parrots the party line.