Ann Richards was beloved by blue Texans and still is. She was a fantastic governor, especially when you compare her to every GOP horror who succeeded her — horrible Bush, horrible Perry, and horrible, traitorous Abbott.
See my comment above. Also, you’d save a ton of money in U.S. taxes by renouncing your American citizenship and moving to Hungary. You’ll love it! It’ll be like living under Tя☭mp!
Swamp Thing, be prepared for yet another defeat at the polls; because as bad as things look for Tя☭mp now, in November the Democrats will stick Tя☭mp’s gain head into a bucket of Janitor-In-A-Drum and mop the floor with it.
I thought I’d miss Texas when we left in 2014; but it’s gotten so much worse that I miss only my friends. We’re in TN now, though, and the state government here is vying with TX for worst state in America. Vote Democratic in November PLEASE! Stop the movement towards a fascist USA because it’s the ONLY way we’ll be able to stop this plunge to rock bottom.
“Spamarama” in Austin, TX, has a much longer history than the event in CA.