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Recent Comments

  1. 2 days ago on Dick Tracy

    THROMMMMM probably an original new~age DEETEE sound effect>>Batman take notice!

  2. 11 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Let’s get a look at the OTHER chick!!

  3. 13 days ago on Dick Tracy

    C’mon girls rip each other’s duds asunder and treat readers to some T & A fallout!!! Pant, pant~~

  4. 14 days ago on Dick Tracy


  5. 15 days ago on Dick Tracy

    My comments are not capable of “spoiling” anyone’s day UNLESS they CHOOSE to be offended! I accept no responsibility for such choices. WOKEjokers’ feathers are easily ruffled; taking umbrage / politically correcting others is their #1 pastime! Just who FORCES them to get all shook up at someone expressing their opinion as is everyone’s right within our Constitutional Republic?? I beg to differ that DeeTee is not a political comic; Gould’s stories were at times very politically charged! Though he never mentioned parties or candidates, Gould’s tales often expressed strong feelings regarding law enforcement being “handcuffed” by liberal political hacks. If he could see the state of his beloved Chicago and other Democrap~run cities today the man would likely consider himself lucky to die when he did!I rest my case, AT!!

  6. 16 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Going out on a limb, he might have found them at the gym? Or taking a swim? Grand Canyon south rim?

  7. 17 days ago on Dick Tracy

    AT I like to think ALL my comments are “good ones!!” I attack no one on this forum but my innocuous comments, adroitly and oft humorously expressed, are constantly targeted by WOKE element, oh~so~easily triggered by just about ANYTHING that doesn’t jibe with liberalunistic mindset! I wish a return to saner, more civil times, much like the halcyon days of my youth. If that is offensive to some, I say their real issue lies with Stage 4 ailment of “thinskinnitis”. I wish such sufferers a brand new set of security blankets each Christmas!!

  8. 17 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Surely you chest??

  9. 25 days ago on Dick Tracy

    This villain is to be commended for rejecting “Newspeak” usage>>“Miss” instead of Feminazi “Ms.”

  10. 25 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Thanks for confirming that my brilliant retort, which you graded substandard, STILL was sufficient to again TRIGGER another libtard rant!! Marxist/globalist stooges all cut from same cloth!! Your meltdowns are better than Obiden’s frozen treats~~