Hey @emmyloufan1, are you ever going to publish a collecttion of Emmy Lou comics? I managed to get hold of one of the old books on Amagiant, and there may be another one, but it would be great to have them in a new edition!!
So I had a friend in college who was Polish/Italian. He would tell Italian jokes and be Polish, or Polish jokes and be Italian. I was blonde and still think dumb blonde jokes are a scream.
What’s worse is that he showed them riding ON the white line instead of inside of it. It’s there to mark the edge of the road, especially in case of fog. It’s not there for bicyclists to ride on! I wish more of them would learn that. They may not like the shoulder, but it’s safer than riding on the white line and taking a chance on getting hit by a car.
And just to be nitpicky—it should be snuck, not sneaked!!!