The person who can’t explain why he holds a given opinion (usually saying “it’s an opinion; I don’t have to explain it”) is in fact stating either a prejudice or someone else’s opinion rather than his own. Examine your own “opinions” on that basis.
Labor disputes and performance-enhancing drugs certainly haven’t helped. Turnover has always been around.
But I don’t care about “people being turned off” or about “baseball’s problems.” You seem to be talking about declining popularity. I don’t care if the masses like it. I’m talking about what used to make baseball a good game. It always used to be far and away the best sport, though idiotic games like football and basketball were more popular.
It’s not odd. They removed comments on editorial cartoons, which are political by nature. Doonesbury is mostly a character-driven strip about Mike D and his extended circle; Bolling is likewise not primarily political. I don’t know what you could be thinking of by “the other Maoist.”
If the U.S. were at all capable of imposing sensible limits on anything, the world would be a better place. But the people obviously want their elections to go on for two years. Who is going to interfere with what the people want?
And don’t tell me the people don’t want it just because they complain about it. People in the U.S. complain all the time about getting exactly what they want.
That’s what I’ve been telling everyone for over four years, or part of it. He’ll also never go to prison because of concern over national prestige. Having a former ‘leader’ in prison smacks of banana republics, for some people, at least.
Your hair-splitting is not relevant in the context of the cartoon.