Alley Oop by Jonathan Lemon and Joey Alison Sayers for June 03, 1946
alley oop: well, no that th' big shots are gone, I guess we might as well be gettin' along home! man: okay, but I got a bit of shopping to do first! man: how about a soda? Alley oop: Okay, I'll take vanilla! man: y'know, oop, we can pass time by catching up on our fishin! Alley oop: aw, nuts, I'd like sumpin more a good riot...i ain't hit a good lick in coon's age! man: Why don'tcha take a crack at pickle-puss dill, the killer? win yourself $500 cash! knock out pickle puss dill the killer limit number rounds acme super shows tamerville fair grounds 3 big days