@Linguist today’s strip IS funny ,our HERO Mr Andrew Capp has not fallen in the canal , he was chucked in head first in the Marina :Flo has little sympathy for the little sot she just cares about keeping the floors dry , my avatar is again a pictureof my birth sign Leo roaring because he’s happy like I am Come passerai la vostra Domenica mio meno vecchio amicho , nassconderti dalla sposa per francare di lavorare? , our Sunday should be a little busy but we will cope I hope , no early morning drive we both are in a good mood so we will chill in cool places drinking chilled bottled water and watch the Holy Mass celebrated by our Archbishop on telly at 9.3 am then stay inside our house in the middle of our street to dodge the infernal heatwave , keep safe and a bientot pal
@Linguist today’s strip IS funny ,our HERO Mr Andrew Capp has not fallen in the canal , he was chucked in head first in the Marina :Flo has little sympathy for the little sot she just cares about keeping the floors dry , my avatar is again a pictureof my birth sign Leo roaring because he’s happy like I am Come passerai la vostra Domenica mio meno vecchio amicho , nassconderti dalla sposa per francare di lavorare? , our Sunday should be a little busy but we will cope I hope , no early morning drive we both are in a good mood so we will chill in cool places drinking chilled bottled water and watch the Holy Mass celebrated by our Archbishop on telly at 9.3 am then stay inside our house in the middle of our street to dodge the infernal heatwave , keep safe and a bientot pal