personally I think no child should talk back to their parents, regardless of gender. But you’re right in that girls are usually taught from an early age a completely different set of values than boys are, and usually parents don’t even realize they’re teaching these values because they’re so fundamentally ingrained— which is the real tragedy. Sadly even if parents were to teach better values to their child from early on, all of society still drives gender-based values, without even realizing it. And you’re not the only one raising your kid, all of society is raising your kid.
personally I think no child should talk back to their parents, regardless of gender. But you’re right in that girls are usually taught from an early age a completely different set of values than boys are, and usually parents don’t even realize they’re teaching these values because they’re so fundamentally ingrained— which is the real tragedy. Sadly even if parents were to teach better values to their child from early on, all of society still drives gender-based values, without even realizing it. And you’re not the only one raising your kid, all of society is raising your kid.