Darryl mows the lawn, does household repairs, kills the bugs, cleans the garage, takes out the trash, puts stuff in the attic and gets it down again, changes diapers, helps with the dishes, does the outdoor grilling…
There are probably other things he does, too, that we never get to see. It may not be half, but it’s not as if he never does anything. He goes to work eight hours a day outside of the home, earning money to keep a roof over your head and food on the table. so he’s not home to do more housework.
And we all know Wanda isn’t going back to work, anyway.
Darryl mows the lawn, does household repairs, kills the bugs, cleans the garage, takes out the trash, puts stuff in the attic and gets it down again, changes diapers, helps with the dishes, does the outdoor grilling…
There are probably other things he does, too, that we never get to see. It may not be half, but it’s not as if he never does anything. He goes to work eight hours a day outside of the home, earning money to keep a roof over your head and food on the table. so he’s not home to do more housework.
And we all know Wanda isn’t going back to work, anyway.