Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for May 14, 2015
Mom: "15 people in line and the teller goes on break without a replacement" Mom: "After I wait ten minutes, they open a new line for all the people behind me who have waited TWO minutes" Mom: "I'm waiting to pay and the cashier puts ME on hold instead of the person on the telephone" Cashier: "Have a nice day" Mom: "Too late"
Calvin’s mom is holding something in her hands in the first panel, but she has a cart in the second panel. Maybe she’s one of those customers who holds up the line by leaving her cart in line and going to pick up one more thing.She also seems a bit passive-aggressive by not speaking up to complain but then saying, “too late.” But if she did not act this way, where would be the humor in today’s strip?
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