Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for May 31, 2015
Calvin: "Ugh, I hate going to the subconscious." Calvin: "Me too! Why doesn't anyone ever clean this dump?" Calvin: "Here's a movie reel. I suppose it's as good as any" Calvin: "I grabbed these two. Let's get back to central cognition" Calvin: "We can run this reel first." Calvin: " I hope these are better than last night's movies" Calvin: "Hurry up! The lights are dimming! Help me thread the projector!" Calvin: "Yikes, this is awful! Where did you guys FIND this?" Calvin: "Oops, the next reel isn't even from the same film" Calvin: "Good! Put it on!" Calvin: " This one is even worse! I guess it's some sort of suspence movie" Calvin: "Why can't we ever watch anything good?" Calvin: "Maybe YOU should get the movies next time!" Calvin: "AUGHH! Monsters! Monsters! Turn it off!" Calvin: "Too scary!! Quick, try another real!" Calvin: "This one makes no sense! What's going on?? Has this been dubbed from some other language?" Calvin: "NONE of these make sense! We're splicing them all out of order" Calvin: "What a waste of time!" Calvin: "The lights are coming back on! Show's over!" Calvin: "Finally! I thought this would never end" Calvin: "Back to work! Man your stations! Full alert!" Calvin: "Whoo, I had so many strange dreams! ...I wonder what they mean"
Calvin never dreamed that all of those thoughts would be going through his mind while he was asleep.Wait a minute…….. Yes he did……..Too many strips to choose from today, so I’m forced to sustain the record that I set two days ago and that I tied yesterday, by posting seven once again.
To view the following strips in the archive and help GoComics generate revenue, please click on the blue archive links below. To view the strips directly, click on the images below or stretch them.Peanuts (August 25, 1955)Thatababy (April 23, 2011)Mutts (May 9, 2012)The Family Circus (January 22, 2012)B.C. (July 4, 2013)Peanuts (June 6, 1965)Calvin and Hobbes (January 13, 1991)