It’s a nice FANTASY, but most people in the 1700’s were ignorant, and in service or farming, unless born into an aristocratic family. Does Mona HAVE a Duke or Earl in her family line? If not, she’d most likely be a parlor maid, not holding the salon.
And its a good thing she pick England too - France back then was not a pretty place.
Sure, 1700’s sound great - no running water, no sewage systems, baths once a year (whether you need it or not), lots of broadcloth in the heat, horses to get around on (no one traveled much more than 5 miles from home).
It’s a nice FANTASY, but most people in the 1700’s were ignorant, and in service or farming, unless born into an aristocratic family. Does Mona HAVE a Duke or Earl in her family line? If not, she’d most likely be a parlor maid, not holding the salon.
And its a good thing she pick England too - France back then was not a pretty place.
Sure, 1700’s sound great - no running water, no sewage systems, baths once a year (whether you need it or not), lots of broadcloth in the heat, horses to get around on (no one traveled much more than 5 miles from home).
Yup, I’d love it there.