@Nabuquduriuzhurm: Really? I come from a place where few people hunt and recently moved to a place where most people hunt (Illinois). I was surprised by the number of houses that had “critter remains” hanging around (mainly deer – one guy had actually made hooks out of the legs & hooves. The real estate agent laughed at me when I ewwed at this one). One house they had stuffed a giant turkey which resided in of all places, the kids room. That would have given me nightmares! Interestingly, another person had this nice museum quality scene of a black bear in natural surroundings. Had to cost a fortune! (Come to think of it when I was in rural Idaho and was looking at houses in the hope of making the move permanent, I saw a lot of this too – where again many of the locals hunt). Love/hate the idea. On one hand you are using the whole animal, on the other had, it does seem kinda morbid hanging dead animal parts up on your wall… So I am wondering if it is just a local thing where you are at (if.e. locals are against preserving or making trophies of what bits aren’t deemed edible)?
@Nabuquduriuzhurm: Really? I come from a place where few people hunt and recently moved to a place where most people hunt (Illinois). I was surprised by the number of houses that had “critter remains” hanging around (mainly deer – one guy had actually made hooks out of the legs & hooves. The real estate agent laughed at me when I ewwed at this one). One house they had stuffed a giant turkey which resided in of all places, the kids room. That would have given me nightmares! Interestingly, another person had this nice museum quality scene of a black bear in natural surroundings. Had to cost a fortune! (Come to think of it when I was in rural Idaho and was looking at houses in the hope of making the move permanent, I saw a lot of this too – where again many of the locals hunt). Love/hate the idea. On one hand you are using the whole animal, on the other had, it does seem kinda morbid hanging dead animal parts up on your wall… So I am wondering if it is just a local thing where you are at (if.e. locals are against preserving or making trophies of what bits aren’t deemed edible)?