Hello everybody. Guess who? Well I finally got my computer back. I haven’t had it for, I don’t know 10 days maybe.
I got a super bad cold about 2 weeks ago when I got soaking wet pulling out the carpet that was water logged in the bathroom of the mentally challenged fellow I take care of. Big Mess! Anyway, I really got sick.
My doctor said it was a rhino virus which gave me the head cold symptoms backed up by a bronchial bacteria that gave me symptoms a lot like pneumonia. Really bad chest cold. I was mostly in bed for days with a fever and miserable.
A good friend who I have known for many years dropped by to deliver a caserole when she heard I was sick. She “rescues” children, that is to say she takes in foster children at that most difficult age of 12 to 16 years old who for whatever reason find themselves in foster care. (I don’t know how she does it!)
She brought a couple of her kids with her and was going to stay only a few minutes but we got into a conversation that lasted for something over an hour. In the meantime the two boys wandered off, we thought to play with the dogs and run around the property exploring as boys love to do. But instead, without telling us what they were doing, they went into my office and decided to play with my computer.
I was too under the weather and miserable with a cold to visit my computer for the next couple of days. But when I did get to it strange things started to happen. You can just imagine my shock when I tried to open my email and other sites and instead of what should have come on my screen , suddenly right after opening and getting what seemed to be the correct page, suddenly the most gross pictures of porn jumped right in front of what I wanted to open.
No matter what I tried to open, I got first the correct page and them immediately, very graphic porn. And I couldn’t get rid of it no matter what I clicked. I turned off my computer and restarted it again and the same thing happened.
I was at a loss until I called my friend and asked her if possibly the boys had fooled around with my computer. It was the only thing I could think of because I never look at porn and have never intoduced it to my computer and yet, there it was!
Finally, after several denials and contradictions the truth came out. They boys said they wanted to play some video games and they were trying to download something they found on the internet and somehow these pictures came up instead.
I had to take my computer in for repairs and to “debug” it. The tech explained to me what he said happened but he explained it in tech talk and I really didn’t know what he was talking about until he came to the part that said , “That will be $275.00 please.” That I understood.
Probably Citizen GROG and x_Tech and some others will know what went on here but it is still a mystery to me. I hope it is fixed now.
Everyone is telling me I should charge my friend for the cost of the repair because the boys were her responsibility. But I’m not going to do that. She is trying her best to be a good, decent, loving person who is concerned about people who have come into difficult times. She is a loving, kind person and I know it would really pinch her financially to have to pay for this little adventure by a couple of her boys. So I am just going to forget about it. It’s paid for and I am not going without food or shelter or even my computer.
And yes, (You were all right, I admit it) I am going to try to take it a little slower and not push so hard to do everything that seems to me too important not to be done immediately. Even my doctor says, “Gal, you are pushing 76 in a few weeks, you’re not 35 anymore!” Although he adds that I am in great shape for a person of my age, way above the curve in fact, according to him. But still, he says not to “go over the top”.
Thank you to all my CD friends who were wise enough to see that I was pushing too hard and needed to slow down.
I haven’t had time to read the comments over the past several days. I just got my computer going late this afternoon and havn’t been able to get to the comics until just about an hour ago. I have to catch up!
I missed you guys! Hugs and love and happy days to you all, ((((((((((StelBel, Dry, Happy Happy noicant, CitizenGROG, Sugie, Cleokaya, x_Tech, Nighthawks, Lonewolf, Chefwen, Greg Trail, Shickamoo, Serenaskitty, everyone who is part of the CD family!)))))))))
Hello everybody. Guess who? Well I finally got my computer back. I haven’t had it for, I don’t know 10 days maybe.
I got a super bad cold about 2 weeks ago when I got soaking wet pulling out the carpet that was water logged in the bathroom of the mentally challenged fellow I take care of. Big Mess! Anyway, I really got sick.
My doctor said it was a rhino virus which gave me the head cold symptoms backed up by a bronchial bacteria that gave me symptoms a lot like pneumonia. Really bad chest cold. I was mostly in bed for days with a fever and miserable.
A good friend who I have known for many years dropped by to deliver a caserole when she heard I was sick. She “rescues” children, that is to say she takes in foster children at that most difficult age of 12 to 16 years old who for whatever reason find themselves in foster care. (I don’t know how she does it!)
She brought a couple of her kids with her and was going to stay only a few minutes but we got into a conversation that lasted for something over an hour. In the meantime the two boys wandered off, we thought to play with the dogs and run around the property exploring as boys love to do. But instead, without telling us what they were doing, they went into my office and decided to play with my computer.
I was too under the weather and miserable with a cold to visit my computer for the next couple of days. But when I did get to it strange things started to happen. You can just imagine my shock when I tried to open my email and other sites and instead of what should have come on my screen , suddenly right after opening and getting what seemed to be the correct page, suddenly the most gross pictures of porn jumped right in front of what I wanted to open.
No matter what I tried to open, I got first the correct page and them immediately, very graphic porn. And I couldn’t get rid of it no matter what I clicked. I turned off my computer and restarted it again and the same thing happened.
I was at a loss until I called my friend and asked her if possibly the boys had fooled around with my computer. It was the only thing I could think of because I never look at porn and have never intoduced it to my computer and yet, there it was!
Finally, after several denials and contradictions the truth came out. They boys said they wanted to play some video games and they were trying to download something they found on the internet and somehow these pictures came up instead.
I had to take my computer in for repairs and to “debug” it. The tech explained to me what he said happened but he explained it in tech talk and I really didn’t know what he was talking about until he came to the part that said , “That will be $275.00 please.” That I understood.
Probably Citizen GROG and x_Tech and some others will know what went on here but it is still a mystery to me. I hope it is fixed now.
Everyone is telling me I should charge my friend for the cost of the repair because the boys were her responsibility. But I’m not going to do that. She is trying her best to be a good, decent, loving person who is concerned about people who have come into difficult times. She is a loving, kind person and I know it would really pinch her financially to have to pay for this little adventure by a couple of her boys. So I am just going to forget about it. It’s paid for and I am not going without food or shelter or even my computer.
And yes, (You were all right, I admit it) I am going to try to take it a little slower and not push so hard to do everything that seems to me too important not to be done immediately. Even my doctor says, “Gal, you are pushing 76 in a few weeks, you’re not 35 anymore!” Although he adds that I am in great shape for a person of my age, way above the curve in fact, according to him. But still, he says not to “go over the top”.
Thank you to all my CD friends who were wise enough to see that I was pushing too hard and needed to slow down.
I haven’t had time to read the comments over the past several days. I just got my computer going late this afternoon and havn’t been able to get to the comics until just about an hour ago. I have to catch up!
I missed you guys! Hugs and love and happy days to you all, ((((((((((StelBel, Dry, Happy Happy noicant, CitizenGROG, Sugie, Cleokaya, x_Tech, Nighthawks, Lonewolf, Chefwen, Greg Trail, Shickamoo, Serenaskitty, everyone who is part of the CD family!)))))))))