*This from Shikamoo last night.Shikamoo! GoComics PRO Member said, about 9 hours ago.I had an accident in the kitchen today. The top of a double boiler blew off and thankfully the pot missed me, but steam scalded my eyes and hands. I won’t be on line much until they heal. Too painful.My email for GoComics has a virus, so I can’t use it until I am well enough to take care of it. Good night all. Pass it on to OB AND BB AND TEN CATS for me.
*This from Shikamoo last night.Shikamoo! GoComics PRO Member said, about 9 hours ago.I had an accident in the kitchen today. The top of a double boiler blew off and thankfully the pot missed me, but steam scalded my eyes and hands. I won’t be on line much until they heal. Too painful.My email for GoComics has a virus, so I can’t use it until I am well enough to take care of it. Good night all. Pass it on to OB AND BB AND TEN CATS for me.