Peanuts by Charles Schulz for October 01, 1961
Linus sits on the floor, holding his blanket and sucking his thumb. Lucy reads from a book, "'When she saw the little house in the woods, she wondered who lived there so she knocked at the door, no one answered so she knocked again.'"<BR><BR> Lucy asks, "What do you think will happen?" Linus answers, "I can't imagine."<BR><BR> Lucy continues, "' . . . Still no one answered, so Goldilocks opened the door and walked in. There before her, in the little room, she saw a table set for three . . .'"<BR><BR> Lucy reads, "'There was a great big bowl of porridge, a middle sized bowl of porridge, and a little, wee bowl of porridge. She tasted the great big bowl of porridge . . .'"<BR><BR> Lucy continues, "'"Oh this is too hot!" she said. Then she tasted the middlie sized bowl of porridge. "Oh, this is too cold." Then she tasted the little, wee bowl. "Oh this is just right." she said, and she ate it all up.'" Linus says, "I have a question."<BR><BR> Lucy says, "About what?" Linus replies, "Well, it's in regard to cooling . . . It would seem to me that if the middle sized bowl was cold, the little, wee bowl would be cold too, rather than 'just right', and . . ."<BR><BR> Lucy punches Linus.<BR><BR> Linus lies on the floor in a daze.<BR><BR> Linus holds his blanket and sucks his thumb and says, "I never even brought up the far more obvious point of unlawful entry!"<BR><BR>
Infotsunami almost 13 years ago
Jeeze Lucy, you might have at least at first, considered Linus’ hypothesis.
LadyBlanc about 12 years ago
That’s why she hit him.
tdoug1 almost 10 years ago
I always wondered why her parents let her punch every body.Nobody must of told on her.
jbruins84341 about 8 years ago
I had a physics professor who told us that she used to read “Goldilocks” to her three-year-old daughter. In describing the whole temperature of the porridge bit, the professor would add, “…which defies the laws of thermodynamics.” One day, the little girl’s father was reading her the story. Coming to the same spot, he went right through without comment. The girl exclaimed, “Daddy! That’s not how Mommy reads it!”
yow4zip Premium Member over 3 years ago
Valid points, Linus.
FrostbiteFalls over 1 year ago
So much fuzzy logic in classic children’s stories. Not a problem for Lucy, though, because she always needed an excuse to assault Linus.
DoubleU about 1 year ago
Maybe Mama had her bowl near the window?