First The Doozies by Tom Gammill for December 01, 2008

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    sandygmail  over 16 years ago

    Great retro drawing style! Go Doozies!

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    hhay2  over 16 years ago

    I’m so happy to see the return of THE DOOZIES – if I remember, Flaude Gammill did a similar strip in ‘41 using a radio instead of a computer. As long as my granddaughter can keep showing me how to use this internet, I’ll keep reading! Welcome back!

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    tgaml  over 16 years ago

    Check out “Tom Gammill” on You Tube and meet the cartoonist!

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  4. Jg whitesox
    John Glynn creator over 16 years ago

    I vaguely recall one of the first books I ever bought was at a used book store in 1978 called “The Doozies Endorse the BiCentennial” was that your work?

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    tgaml  over 16 years ago

    The Bicentennial collection was called “Yankee Doodle Doozie” and had an introduction by Eric Estrada, star of “Chips”.

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  6. Jg whitesox
    John Glynn creator over 16 years ago

    That’s right. Great book. Wasn’t one chapter entitled, “Why the metric system won’t fail in the U.S.” ???

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    tgaml  over 16 years ago

    Yes, that was at the same time the Dean Doozie Singers released, “God Bless A-Metric-a.”

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    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    How many times a week will the cartoon be published?

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    tgaml  over 16 years ago

    The comic will appear Monday, Wednesday, Friday and a new You Tube video will appear every Thursday for a few weeks.

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    tgaml  over 16 years ago

    My grandfather was really named Flaude and I wanted to tell the world so I decided to say he created the strip back in 1939.

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    hhay2  over 16 years ago

    Mr. Trudeau, I’m really enjoying the new simpler style of your drawings. What? Wait, let me put on my glasses.

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    Tandykred  over 14 years ago

    Hey my Great Uncles name was Flaude Gammill. Did he have a sister named Iva?

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