FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for January 09, 2009
Roger: Well, well, what have we here? Jason: I am Iguanoman. You must be the one they call "Dad" Roger: That would be me. Jason: I have traveled light-years through space to bring you a message from my Supreme Commander, Iguanius the almighty. Roger: Ans what might that message be? Jason: "Increase Jason Fox's allowance or we will destroy your planet." Roger: Son, would you like your father to start hitting bars on the way home from work? Jason: Now, given that the earth is probably worth a few quadrillion dollars...
wndrwrthg about 16 years ago
Bartender, “one bourbon, one scotch, one beer”.
Keith Messamer about 16 years ago
Drinking a lot helps dull the pain of being teleported off-planet before it’s destroyed. Just ask Arthur Dent.
gigabyte03 about 16 years ago
A pint against a pint!
shadowcougar8 about 16 years ago
Can you imagine jason turning his whole family into drunks? although sometimes he does push it…
611Kwel about 16 years ago
Bartender: Go ahead, tell me. I’ve heard everything. Roger: My son dressed up as an iguana from outer space and demanded I raise his allowance. Bartender: Okay, now I’ve heard everything.
Dom999 about 16 years ago
The planet’s in debt. We’d probably be better off having it destroyed and collecting the insurance money, as long as the policy covers destruction by Iguanius.
mrprongs about 16 years ago
Did we even take out a policy?
Eat them nuts after teleportation.
kfaatz925 about 16 years ago
Don’t Panic!
abswillis about 16 years ago
wow. Bill amend is a good artist. you can tell just by the lines under roger’s eyes that he is tired. if you cover up the lines.. he just looks aggravated.. like people normally do when jason pulls these stunts.
seapilot about 16 years ago
try picturing the last panel without the coat over Jason and Quincy ;)