Peanuts by Charles Schulz for February 12, 1960

  1. Missing large
    The Lone Beagle Premium Member over 6 years ago

    555-72675-36683-67873. It’s not that hard to remember; 555-SAMPLE-NOT-FOR-USE. Good pizza, Villella’s.

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  2. 090722 eclipse space 02
    yow4zip Premium Member about 5 years ago

    A good slice keeps the icicle at bay.

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    Stormwyrm  over 4 years ago

    I tried looking for a real Villella’s Take-Out Pizza Parlor and find only Italian restaurants with that name in New York state. I wonder if there was a real establishment with that name in 1960 that Schulz actually ordered from?

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  4. Large snoppy
    spikezelenka  almost 2 years ago

    My family is from the Twin Cities, and as stories go, My Great Uncle Al and his family lived next door to Charles in Minneapolis. They were good friends. So much so, that when Schultz planned to move West to California with his family, he invited my great-uncle and his family to move with him. As all of our reletives live in Minnesota (big italian families and all) he decided to stay. At least bthis was the story that has been told to my cousins and I. My Uncle….Albert Villella.

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