Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for July 11, 2015
Mom: How was cartoon camp? Petey: It was okay. Petey: We get to draw our own graphic novel and when it's finished we get to staple it together. Alice: BOY, DOES THAT SOUND LIKE A BORING PERSON'S IDEA OF FUN. Mom: Alice! Stop it! I'm not telling you again- Alice: Not catching a fish slapping bear at Camp Blisshaven is not an excuse to be grumpy all day! Alice: Grrrr.
but it was fish slapping bear camp………..
My wife’s idea of camping is a 4 star hotel(we stay home a lot). She went to camp once when she was a kid – the brocheres showed happy kids on horses. The horse experence was 2 hours long and cost a lot extra – her parents could not afford it.
Welcome to regular kids’ camp…..