When my kids were in elementary school, they switched to “Satisfactory” and “Unsatisfactory” with an large space for the teacher’s remarks. It really took the fun out of report cards for the kids. I grew up with a cash reward for each grade ($1 for an A, $.50 for a B) and worked my butt off for those rewards. I used the same for my kids (with higher $$ rewards according to inflation and buying power stats) but then they did this. The boys were not happy, so we had to come up with something comparable based on the teacher’s comments. There was dickering and negotiating, but they came away satisfied, which is what was important. I suppose it made reporting easier on the teacher, but I doubt it. When I had a chance to talk to their teachers during “parent/teacher nights”, the teachers had not been given any say over the switch, it was imposed on them by the school board. :P
When my kids were in elementary school, they switched to “Satisfactory” and “Unsatisfactory” with an large space for the teacher’s remarks. It really took the fun out of report cards for the kids. I grew up with a cash reward for each grade ($1 for an A, $.50 for a B) and worked my butt off for those rewards. I used the same for my kids (with higher $$ rewards according to inflation and buying power stats) but then they did this. The boys were not happy, so we had to come up with something comparable based on the teacher’s comments. There was dickering and negotiating, but they came away satisfied, which is what was important. I suppose it made reporting easier on the teacher, but I doubt it. When I had a chance to talk to their teachers during “parent/teacher nights”, the teachers had not been given any say over the switch, it was imposed on them by the school board. :P