Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 23, 2013
Terrorist: Aiee! Red Rascal: Nice try, jihad boy! Greetings from the NSA! Terrorist: Doh! My cell! Red Rascal: So I left him there-- as a warning! Woman: Dark! Red Rascal: Want to see the pix of my Bali vacation? Terrorist: No! Please... July saw Sorkh Razil fighting evil near Kabul. August, more of the same. October had our hero on break at a Club Med in Bali. By November, he was back on the job!
Jeff lives a rich fantasy filled life, just like people who believe in religion. Faith is another word for fantasy. Human beings are gifted at making up imaginary stories as seen in Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and the bible, bhagavad gita and koran, but they’re only just made up stories. Or would you have me believe that women really came from a man’s rib? Or that snakes turned into staffs and parted seas? Or that food fell ready to eat from the desert (dessert?) skies? I would no more believe them than Jeff’s fantasies. As for God, who knows? Growing up means learning to live with mysteries and uncertanties and not just making up imaginary beings to explain them, doesn’t it?