Meanwhile back to Annie complaining about Steve the hoarder after a brief break with Annie complaining about Steve the TV sports watcher from yesterday. Her panel 4 comment is the giveaway that this change in her character is going to take a toll on her marriage, in case you didn’t catch that obvious hint.
The best part of this one is in Panel 2, when Annie does the open-mouthed, nose to the sky, yelling with large letters and exclamation points which scares little Leah and leaves her clutching her mother closely in Panel 3. I think that would be what would happen if you were carrying your child and you started screaming.
Meanwhile back to Annie complaining about Steve the hoarder after a brief break with Annie complaining about Steve the TV sports watcher from yesterday. Her panel 4 comment is the giveaway that this change in her character is going to take a toll on her marriage, in case you didn’t catch that obvious hint.
The best part of this one is in Panel 2, when Annie does the open-mouthed, nose to the sky, yelling with large letters and exclamation points which scares little Leah and leaves her clutching her mother closely in Panel 3. I think that would be what would happen if you were carrying your child and you started screaming.