treBsdrawkcaB: I have to disagree. The market has been going up as much as going down. The fluctuations have been extreme, but they average out to a pretty good slope.It think the DJI has risen almost 9% this past year. So Dad’s up and down head bobbing is right on the mark.
Job situation stinks, house prices are low, and businesses are failing, so the economy is bad; but the market is up.
treBsdrawkcaB: I have to disagree. The market has been going up as much as going down. The fluctuations have been extreme, but they average out to a pretty good slope.It think the DJI has risen almost 9% this past year. So Dad’s up and down head bobbing is right on the mark. Job situation stinks, house prices are low, and businesses are failing, so the economy is bad; but the market is up.