Frazz by Jef Mallett for June 03, 2012
FRAZZ BY JEF MALLETT Caulfield: Why not use the big air compressor at the gas station? Frazz: Bicycle tires are lower volume. Fill them with too much too fast and you'll have a blowout. Caulfield: You know, I'm inspired to craft an analogy between that and my young brain and this pile of homework. So are you, and I bet I don't like it. Frazz: You also don't want to wait until the end of the season to cram 12 weeks' worth of air into them.
Zoidknight, as a teacher who just spent 14 hours this past weekend working on grades for end-of-the-year projects, I am offended by your comment. I know that there are some teachers who don’t measure up to the expectations, but the large majority of teachers work many hours outside of the classroom to prepare lessons and grade assignments. You are probably one of the people who make comments about how “teachers are done every day at 3:00.” Since I coach the show choir and drama productions, my work days are rarely done before 6:00pm. THEN I go home and work even more to prepare for the next day. Now, tell me what YOUR job is, so I can take some cheap shots at your profession.