Caulfield: If we all lived in Florida or Arizona, you wouldn't need that. Frazz: Although I could use it to fend off scorpions and alligators. Caulfield: Why is it the nicer the weather the more the rest of nature want to kill us.
Cold-blooded/ectothermic creatures like reptiles and arachnids may thrive better in warmer climates. But you can’t say this about dangerous warm-blooded animals like bears or mountain lions, which can be very far north — it’s just that they may be dormant for winter. It depends what species you have in your area.
Cold-blooded/ectothermic creatures like reptiles and arachnids may thrive better in warmer climates. But you can’t say this about dangerous warm-blooded animals like bears or mountain lions, which can be very far north — it’s just that they may be dormant for winter. It depends what species you have in your area.