My girlfriend and I were at a New Year’s Eve party with a lot of our friends back when the year was due to roll over from 2015 to 2016. We had them all primed to repeat the countdown as it came across the TV from the ABC-TV broadcast from Times Square (delayed by one hour for our consumption in the Central Time Zone). But that was the year the network decided not to do the delayed broadcast for us rubes in the hinterlands, so when it became apparent that what we were seeing was the live broadcast at about 1:02 AM New York time, we made everyone in our party do a countdown anyway, at the end of which I dropped onto a knee and offered up the ring.
Do I hold a grudge against ABC-TV to this day? Oh, yeah!
My girlfriend and I were at a New Year’s Eve party with a lot of our friends back when the year was due to roll over from 2015 to 2016. We had them all primed to repeat the countdown as it came across the TV from the ABC-TV broadcast from Times Square (delayed by one hour for our consumption in the Central Time Zone). But that was the year the network decided not to do the delayed broadcast for us rubes in the hinterlands, so when it became apparent that what we were seeing was the live broadcast at about 1:02 AM New York time, we made everyone in our party do a countdown anyway, at the end of which I dropped onto a knee and offered up the ring.
Do I hold a grudge against ABC-TV to this day? Oh, yeah!