

Floof may be tiny, but she's four feet of mischief. She is the adopted child of Shawm and Stella, big sister to Sirius, and little sister to Kate. Floof proudly maintains her identity as a cat. She likes socks, nipping (or nooping), human noses, scratching things, and climbing.

Kate Buffet

Kate Buffet

Kate Buffet (pronounced boo-fay) is a nine year old who talks to her pets, and the pets talk back! She is artistic, resourceful, and wears stripey socks that never match. Kate's human parents, Selmer and Loray, work late and long in Thebig City. Shawm and Stella are her second set of parents. To them, she's just another puppy!



Shawm the Afghan hound is a great dad to children of all species. Shawm tells stories about dogs and cats to the children that may or may not be true. Shawm is an easygoing, peaceful fellow. He loves terrible puns, dad jokes, and teasing Stella about her poodle cuts.



Sirius was named after the dog star. He is a poodle-Afghan hound mix, and little brother to Floof and Kate. Sirius is very innocent and will often blurt out the first thing that pops into his head, but he's really a good boy. Sirius enjoys chewing things and really dislikes baths.



Stella the poodle loves French culture and high fashion. She eats dog food off a plate, drinks water from a glass, and enjoys getting the latest poodle cuts even if they don't impress her husband Shawm. One day, she hopes to sit at the kitchen table for an entire meal.

Mrs. Oldman and Buster

Mrs. Oldman and Buster

Mrs. Oldman and Buster are the Buffet family's neighbors in Thebig City. They've lived together so long they have begun to look alike! Buster is an older dog, who may or may not be wiser. Mrs. Oldman can speak to animals and they can speak to her. She's the neighborhood pet sitter and dog walker, and sometimes can be seen walking unusual pets in Center Park.

Optima ("Poppy") Populare

Optima ("Poppy") Populare

Optima ("Poppy") Populare is a popular girl. She can be Kate's friend if it is to her benefit. Poppy is not really Kate’s friend.



The FURR TWINS are Kate’s new schoolmates, friends, and pickleball team members. Arturo “Arf” Furr is interested in gadgets and is a good sport all round.  His sister Barbara Furr, who prefers to be known as “La-VA” is practical and direct. Their mother Paloma is a Veterinarian and their father Ezio is a zookeeper. The Furr Twins raise tropical fish.