That sums up the writers of this strip perfectly – they do absolutely nothing with their brilliant main character, insulting the readers with idiotic gags about food and sleeping instead of bothering to actually do something creative. How about a story arc in which Jon and Garfield set off to find Lyman? Or one in which Jon endeavours to find his yokelish brother Doc Boy a girlfriend? Wouldn’t you rather see these characters used in storylines where something actually happens and they are placed in, and respond to, various situations?
That sums up the writers of this strip perfectly – they do absolutely nothing with their brilliant main character, insulting the readers with idiotic gags about food and sleeping instead of bothering to actually do something creative. How about a story arc in which Jon and Garfield set off to find Lyman? Or one in which Jon endeavours to find his yokelish brother Doc Boy a girlfriend? Wouldn’t you rather see these characters used in storylines where something actually happens and they are placed in, and respond to, various situations?