There’s ‘interesting’ times (like the old Chinese curse) all over, not just the USA. Enough stories already for several Steinbeck books.
After some 17 years in three jobs at JPL in Pasadena (an outsourcing and two layoffs between), was laid-off five years ago, finally got early SS to cover the old house payment, now Medicare and started ‘retirement’ payments for the utilities. We can make it, but gave up CCs.
Put in a Victory Garden like Michelle O’s at the White House, and get ready to barter if/when the rest of the banking bubble bursts. Bank Locally, perhaps with a Credit Union. Save up for it, do without, find another way, simplify! Some day, we’ll get with the rest of the world and do Single Payer and simplify our medical financing, too.
There’s ‘interesting’ times (like the old Chinese curse) all over, not just the USA. Enough stories already for several Steinbeck books.
After some 17 years in three jobs at JPL in Pasadena (an outsourcing and two layoffs between), was laid-off five years ago, finally got early SS to cover the old house payment, now Medicare and started ‘retirement’ payments for the utilities. We can make it, but gave up CCs.
Put in a Victory Garden like Michelle O’s at the White House, and get ready to barter if/when the rest of the banking bubble bursts. Bank Locally, perhaps with a Credit Union. Save up for it, do without, find another way, simplify! Some day, we’ll get with the rest of the world and do Single Payer and simplify our medical financing, too.