Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for April 24, 2013
Satchel: Maybe we're thinking about your missing door the wrong way... Maybe it's all an illusion. Bucky: There's nothing to illusionate, the door's gone! Satchel: Wait... I just saw a tv show about these renaissance guys who painted bare walls to look like there were windows and doors on them. Bucky: Your point being? Satchel: Maybe somebody did that here ...but in reverse. Bucky: Mm-hm, so you think a 500-year-old Italian snuck in here just to blend my door into the wall? Do you realize how that sounds? Satchel: Ha ha! Well, you put it that way and sure, it does sound a bit- Bucky: It's an even bigger conspiracy than we'd feared!
♪♪♪ Trompe, trompe trompe, the weasels are marching…