Well son, it’s like this. We have a senile old crook running our country, who has made us a Joke on the world stage. He has also surrounded himself with the Least competent bevy of Perverts that could ever be found & he is letting them run amok, while robbing our tax dollars & destroying our economy by pushing pipe dreams & shutting off our energy. Amoeba please do Not reply. I can Not converse with one cell life forms.
Well son, it’s like this. We have a senile old crook running our country, who has made us a Joke on the world stage. He has also surrounded himself with the Least competent bevy of Perverts that could ever be found & he is letting them run amok, while robbing our tax dollars & destroying our economy by pushing pipe dreams & shutting off our energy. Amoeba please do Not reply. I can Not converse with one cell life forms.