It is formal Japanese meaning “Good bye” and not really the best for this situation. Sayonara (さよなら) is the most famous but least used way to say goodbye in Japanese since it means “Farewell”. Bai bai (バイバイ), Jaa ne (じゃあね), Mata ne (またね), and Mata ashita (また明日) are the phrases most frequently used in casual situations, while after work it is best to say Otsukaresama desu (お疲れ様です). I usually use Jaa ne to other adults and Bai bai to children. But it has been years since I was in Japantown in San Francisco or San Jose, and longer since I was in Japan.
It is formal Japanese meaning “Good bye” and not really the best for this situation. Sayonara (さよなら) is the most famous but least used way to say goodbye in Japanese since it means “Farewell”. Bai bai (バイバイ), Jaa ne (じゃあね), Mata ne (またね), and Mata ashita (また明日) are the phrases most frequently used in casual situations, while after work it is best to say Otsukaresama desu (お疲れ様です). I usually use Jaa ne to other adults and Bai bai to children. But it has been years since I was in Japantown in San Francisco or San Jose, and longer since I was in Japan.